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JEE Main Syllabus 2025

JEE Main 2025 Syllabus

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the JEE Main 2025 syllabus, ensuring that students have ample time to prepare effectively. The syllabus remains largely unchanged from the previous year, with any modifications being updated on the official website. It is crucial for candidates to familiarise themselves with the syllabus early on and adjust their study schedules accordingly.

Even minor changes in the syllabus should not disrupt preparation efforts for those who have already begun. For the latest updates and notifications regarding the JEE 2025 Main Syllabus, stay connected with us at Origin Educare. Now, let’s delve into the various aspects of the JEE 2025 Main Syllabus.

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JEE Main 2025 Syllabus Mathematics

The JEE Main Syllabus for Mathematics is mentioned below:

1. Sets, Relations, and Functions
2. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
3. Matrices and Determinants
4. Permutations and Combinations
5. Mathematical Induction
6. Binomial Theorem
7. Sequence and Series

8. Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
9. Integral Calculus
10. Differential Equations
11. Coordinate Geometry
12. 3D Geometry
13. Vector Algebra
14. Statistics and Probability
15. Trigonometry
16. Mathematical Reasoning

JEE Main Syllabus 2025, Physics The JEE Main syllabus for Physics is mentioned below:

1. Physics and Measurement
2. Kinematics
3. Laws of Motion
4. Work, Energy, and Power
5. Rotational Motion
6. Gravitation
7. Properties of Solids and Liquids
8. Thermodynamics
9. Kinetic Theory of Gases
10. Oscillations and Waves

11. Electrostatics
12. Current Electricity
13. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
14. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
15. Electromagnetic Waves
16. Optics
17. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
18. Atoms and Nuclei
19. Electronic Devices
20. Communication System

Section B: Practicals Vernier Calliper, Simple Pendulum, Screw Gauge, Surface Tension (Detergents effect and Capillary rise), Young’s Modulus, Metre Scale, Resistivity of Material (metre bridge), Specific heat capacity, Speed of sound (use resonance tube), Coefficient of Viscosity, Ohm’s Law, Potentiometer, Galvanometer (Half Deflection method), Parallax Method, Triangular Prism (Angle of Deviation and Incidence), Glass Slab (Refractive Index), Zener diode, Transistor, and P-N junction diode.

JEE Main Syllabus Chemistry The JEE Main Syllabus for Chemistry is mentioned below:

1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
2. States of Matter
3. Atomic Structure
4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
5. Chemical Thermodynamics
6. Solutions
7. Equilibrium
8. Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
9. Chemical Kinetics
10. Surface Chemistry
11. Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties
12. General Principles & Process of Isolation of Metals
13. Hydrogen

14. S Block Elements (Alkali & Alkaline Earth Metals)
15. P Block Elements
16. D and F Block Elements
17. Coordination Compounds
18. Environmental Chemistry
19. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
20. Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
21. Hydrocarbons
22. Organic Compounds Containing Halogens
23. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
24. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
25. Polymers

JEE Main Syllabus for Paper 2A (B.Arch) JEE Main Syllabus for B. Arch consists of Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Drawing. The subject-wise syllabus is mentioned below:
                                                Mathematic Syllabus
S. No. Topic
Complex numbers and quadratic equations
Differential equations
Matrices and determinants
Binomial theorem and its simple applications
Sets, relations, and functions
Sequence and Series
Mathematical induction
Vector algebra
Permutations and combinations
Statistics and probability
Mathematical reasoning
Limit, continuity, and differentiability
Coordinate geometry
Integral calculus Three-dimensional

General Aptitude Syllabus

Section Topics
Aptitude: Part I
Awareness of Places, Materials, Objects, Persons, and Places. Visualising different sides of three-dimensional objects. Visualising 3D objects from 2D drawings. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Verbal, Numerical, and Visual).
Aptitude: Part II
3D – perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of building elements, forms, objects, harmony, texture, colour, and contrast. Drawing & Designing abstract and geometrical shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms in both 2D and 3D union, development of volumes & surfaces, subtraction, rotation, elevations, Generation of plans, and 3D views of objects. Creating 3D & 2d Compositions using given forms shapes. Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urban landscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc.), landscape (river fronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc.), and rural life.

Drawing Syllabus Sketching/Drawing of scenes & activities from your urban memory (festivals, recreational spaces, street scenes, public space, market, monuments, etc.), landscape (riverfronts. Jungle. Gardens, trees. Plants, etc.) and rural life.

JEE Main Syllabus for Paper 2B (B.Plan) The syllabus for B.Plan consists of
Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Planning. The syllabus for Mathematics and General
Aptitude is the same as B.Arch Planning Syllabus

Units Topics
Unit 1- General Awareness
General knowledge questions and knowledge about prominent cities, development issues, government programs, etc
Unit 2- Social Science
The idea of Nationalism, Pre-Modern world, 19th -century global economy, colonialism, and colonial cities, Nationalism in India, industrialization, resources, and development, types of resources, agriculture, water, mineral resources, industries, national economy; Human Settlements. Population structure, social exclusion and inequality, urbanisation, rural development, colonial cities. Power-sharing, democracy, federalism, political parties, The constitution of India Economic developmenteconomic sectors, globalisation, the concept of development, poverty.
Unit 3- Thinking Skills
Comprehension (unseen passage); map reading skills, direction, area, distance, scale, etc. Critical Reasoning; Understanding of graphs, charts, and tables; Basic concepts of Quantitative Reasoning & Statistics.

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