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JEE Mains Paper Analysis

IIT JEE Mains Paper Analysis – Know the Difficulty Level

JEE Mains Exam Review of Paper 1 – Check Complete Paper Analysis 

IIT JEE 2024 examination is going to be held soon. The officials have announced the JEE 2024 exam dates. Before appearing for the exam, you must check the JEE Mains exam review to check the difficulty level of the exam.

In this blog, aspirants who are looking forward for JEE 2024 will get a good idea of how the last year paper went, what was the difficulty level, and how students have found the exam?

This will also help you understand the distribution of questions, and the weightage of topics.

We have analyzed the last year question paper of JEE, taken feedback of various aspirants and have come up with the details.

Please note that the views on topics and difficulty level can vary from student to student. 

IIT JEE Mains Exam Review for Paper 1 

As per students’ feedback, the overall difficulty level of the exam was from moderate to difficult. Below we have mentioned section wise JEE Mains paper analysis for paper 1: 

Date ShiftPhysicsChemistryMathematics
24 JuneShift 1Easy to ModerateEasy Moderate
Shift 2EasyEasy to ModerateModerate
25 JuneShift 1ModerateEasyDifficult
Shift 2ModerateEasyModerate to Difficult
26 JuneShift 1ModerateEasyDifficult
Shift 2ModerateEasyModerate
27 JuneShift 1Easy to ModerateEasyModerate to Difficult
Shift 2ModerateEasy to ModerateModerate to Difficult
28 JuneShift 1ModerateEasyDifficult
Shift 2Easy to ModerateEasyModerate to Difficult
29 JuneShift 1EasyEasyModerate
Shift 2EasyEasyModerate
25 July Shift 1Easy to ModerateEasy to ModerateModerate
Shift 2Easy ModerateModerate to Difficult
26 JulyShift 1EasyEasy to ModerateDifficult
Shift 2EasyEasy to ModerateModerate
27 JulyShift 1EasyEasyModerate
Shift 2DifficultModerateDifficult
28 JulyShift 1Easy to DifficultModerateModerately Difficult
Shift 2ModerateModerateDifficult
29 JulyShift 1ModerateModerateDifficult
Shift 2Easy to ModerateEasy to ModerateDifficult

IIT JEE Mains Exam Analysis Paper 1 – Difficult Topics

In the above section we have seen the difficulty level of the exam according to their dates and shifts. Here we are mentioning the topics from which difficult questions were asked in the exam:


24 June 2022 – IIT JEE Exam Review

In shift 2, students found the chemistry part easy while some students find it moderate. 

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsSemiconductor, WavesRotational Mechanics, Thermodynamics
ChemistryInorganic ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
MathematicsCoordinate Geometry, 3D Vector Calculus and Algebra

25 June 2022 – Paper Analysis for JEE Mains

The shift 1 was quite easy while shift two was from moderate to difficult level as per aspirant’s feedback.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsElectrodynamics, Heat and ThermodynamicsRotational Mechanics, Work and Energy
ChemistryBiomoleculesBiomolecules, Organic Chemistry
MathematicsMathematical Reasoning, Relation and Function Mathematical Reasoning, Matrix

IIT JEE Mains Paper -1 Review for 26 June 2022 

As per students, chemistry paper was easy. While the physics part had calculations.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMagnetism, Current ElectricitySemiconductor and Communication devices
ChemistryS – block and p-blockInorganic Chemistry
MathematicsCoordinate Geometry, vector, 3DAlgebra, Limits

27 June 2022 – JEE Mains Analysis

Mostly the questions were similar to that of NCERT questions, although they were quite tricky. Mathematical section was lengthy.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMechanics, ThermodynamicsKinematics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Rotational Motion
ChemistryPolymers, BiomoleculesP and S block, Chemical Bonding
MathematicsCalculus, Algebra, Vector and 3DCalculus, Limit and Continuity

28 June 2022 – IIT JEE Mains Paper – 1 Review 

Most difficult part in math’s was calculus. Physics was pretty much good as the questions were similar to that of ncert questions. 

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMechanics, Heat and ThermodynamicsMechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetics
ChemistryOrganic ChemistryP – block elements, physical chemistry
MathematicsCalculus, Algebra, VectorCalculus and Algebra

JEE Mains Exam Analysis for 29 June 2022 

The JEE Mains Paper of 29 June were pretty easy for chemistry and physics. Math’s was a little tough and lengthy. 

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsElectromagnetics, Heat and ThermodynamicsSemiconductor, Communication
ChemistryBiomolecular, Block Chemistry, PolymersBiomolecular, Block Chemistry
MathematicsLimit, IntegrationVector, Algebra, Limit

25 July 2022 – Paper Review of JEE Mains

Questions were mostly based on NCERT questions. They were tough but were similar to that of questions we practiced, a student stated.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMechanics, Electromagnetics, Modern PhysicsCapacitors, Integration
ChemistryPolymer, Inorganic ChemistryPolymers, Inorganic Chemistry
MathematicsCalculus, Algebra, VectorIntegration, Coordinate Geometry

26 July 2022 – IIT JEE Mains Review

The questions in mathematics from calculus were a bit tough and lengthy as per student’s feedback.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, ElectricityHeat and Thermodynamics, Current Electricity, AC Circuits
ChemistryBiomolecules and P-block elementsInorganic Chemistry
MathematicsPermutation and Combination, Complex NumbersAlgebra, Matrices

27 July 2022 – JEE Mains Paper Review

The level of physics and chemistry section was from easy to moderate while math’s section was moderately difficult.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsKinematics, Rotational MotionPhotoelectric effect, current electricity
ChemistryAlcohol, Chemical KineticsPolymers, Biomolecules
MathematicsCo-ordinate Geometry, CalculusCalculus, Hyperbola

IIT JEE Mains Analysis of 28 July 2022 

Students found the chemistry section pretty much easy in both the shifts while math’s was quite lengthy. Physics section was okay, it consists of mostly NCERT questions.

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsCurrent ElectricityRotational Motion, Thermodynamics
ChemistrySolid StatePhenols and Alcohols
MathematicsLimits, IntegrationCalculus and Algebra

29 July 2022 – JEE Mains Exam Review

The questions in mathematics were lengthy and tough. It covered almost all the topics. Chemistry part was pretty easy. Inorganic chemistry holds the most weightage. 

In the physics paper 1 or 2 questions were asked from almost each main topic. 

SectionsShift 1Shift 2
PhysicsMechanics, Heat and ThermodynamicsLaws of Motion, Heat and Thermodynamics 
ChemistryInorganic chemistryPhenols and Alcohols, Biomolecules.
MathematicsCalculusLimits, Integration


In this blog, we have mentioned the level of difficulty of IIT JEE Mains exam held last year. You must check the complete JEE exam analysis before you appear for the upcoming exam. 

It will help you get an idea of the exam level as well the topics from which the questions are being asked. 

If you have any other doubt to ask, feel free to contact us or comment in the comments section below. 

We will answer your queries as soon as possible.

Thank You! And All the Best!

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